Our Group

Scouting provides fun activities and adventures to young people, who are split into sections based on age. Beaver Scouts (6-8), Cub Scouts (8-10½), Scouts (10½-14), Explorer Scouts (14-18) and Scouts Network (18-25).

Adult Volunteers

Volunteers are pivotal to the running of our Scout Group. These may include leaders, assistants, occasional helpers, parents, administrators, fundraisers and more.

You don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls to get involved with Scouting. Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? We all have useful skills and you can volunteer and help in many ways.


Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.


As Scouts we are guided by these values:

IntegrityWe say what we mean and when we make a promise, we keep it.
RespectWe listen to others, explore our differences and work to find common ground.
CareScouts are friends to all and think of others before themselves.
BeliefWe believe passionately in improving the lives and life chances of young people and helping them explore and develop their beliefs and attitudes.
CooperationScouting is about teamwork. We believe that when we work together we achieve more than we can on our own.


Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

  • enjoy what they are doing and have fun;
  • take part in activities indoors and outdoors;
  • learn by doing;
  • share in spiritual reflection;
  • take responsibility and make choices;
  • undertake new and challenging activities;
  • make and live by their Promise


The Scouting Programme for all sections is based around three main themes: outdoor and adventure, world and skills. In each section a range of badges and awards support all aspects of Scouting, including the main themes: leadership, teamwork and personal development. The Programme is delivered in a balanced way that incorporates elements from each theme, to offer young people the most interesting and diverse experience.